Websites and Social Network

Building a virtual self

To be able to talk about yourself and build your own digital identity, you need “containers” such as websites, blogs, forums and social networks.

Therefore, for the construction of a new digital "self", it is necessary to use these tools.

LinkBetter builds websites tailored to the user, generating spaces where they can determine and recount their own identity. Following an assessment of your online presence and measuring the level of risk, our experts will build websites, blogs, CVs, portfolios about you and /or brand.

You can determine who you are on the web and check your online identity.

The same happens with social media. With Linkbetter we create profiles on the major social platforms, rewriting your online history, thus allowing you to regain control of your identity on the web.

Suffering a digital identity imposed by Google and third parties can have serious consequences: decide what the network must show about your identity and hinder the emergence of harmful content on Google.


Positive SEO

Digital PR

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